Jeremy Huang wearing a brown trucker shirt.

I am a first-year Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan Computer Science and Engineering, advised by Prof. Dhruv Jain. My research interests lie at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction and Applied Machine Learning with applications in accessibility. I am passionate about creating accessible technologies that enable people of all abilities to create and connect in meaningful ways.

I am part of the Soundability Lab at the University of Michigan CSE. I recently graduated with a Master's Degree in Information (UX Research and Design specialization) at the University of Michigan School of Information. My undergraduate studies at Ohio State focused on data science and psychology. I also worked as a research assistant at the CAIDe Lab advised by Brittany Shoots-Reinhard.


March 14, 2024
Our Human-AI Collaborative Sound Awareness (HACS) paper is accepted to CHI 2024!
March 1, 2024
I will be staying in Ann Arbor to complete my Ph.D. studies at Michigan CSE!
Jun 30, 2023
Field Study of Mobile Recognition System accepted to ASSETS 2023
May 4, 2023
Graduated with an Master's in Human-Computer Interaction at UMSI!


A picture of the SoundWeaver concept
Jeremy Zhengqi Huang, Jaylin Herskovitz, Liang-Yuan Wu, Cecily Morrison, Dhruv Jain
CHI 2025 (Conditionally Accepted)
A picture of the MaskSound application prototype
Anna Y Park, Andy Jin, Jeremy Zhengqi Huang, Jesse Carr, Dhruv Jain
A picture of a diagram that illustrates the HACS approach
Jeremy Zhengqi Huang, Wren Wood, Hriday Chhabria, Dhruv Jain
CHI 2024
A picture of a smartwatch screen with sound notification saying 'Car Honk'
Jeremy Zhengqi Huang, Hriday Chhabria, Dhruv Jain
Honorable MentionASSETS 2023
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